The Christmas tree is the beginning of all the holiday joy, and it symbolizes the spirit that marks the entire winter season.
However, despite looking amazing, it can also be the host of numerous critters. Even though they are not dangerous, I bet you would rather have insect-free Christmas decorations in your home. explains:
“Coniferous trees attract a variety of small insects that may be visible only in large numbers. Aphids are common pests of evergreen trees, and the warm conditions of your home may cause overwintering aphid eggs to hatch.
Some conifers host adelgids, which produce cottony secretions over their bodies. Mites and scale insects also inhabit Christmas trees.
Larger Christmas tree insects include bark beetles and praying mantids. Adult mantids will be long gone from the cold temperatures, but mantid egg cases can hatch when introduced to the warmth of your home. If that happens, you’ll have hundreds of tiny mantids wandering in search of food. Christmas trees often harbor spiders, too.”
Mites are most commonly found on douglas-fir, white pine, Fraser fir, and spruce trees, and when exposed to the heat indoors, they become active. They are tiny, light colored, and prey on insect and mite eggs.
Spiders won’t remain long on the Christmas tree and will die off if not being introduced to the outdoors soon. Yet, they can spin webs on the tree that need to be removed afterward.
Aphids can often be found on a Christmas tree, and they are six-legged, wingless, creatures that can measure one-eighth of an inch. They can be found on pines, spruces, balsam fir, Fraser fir, and white fir trees.
To prevent the visits of bugs to your home during the following season, make sure you inspect the Christmas tree and all its branches well before purchasing.
Also, you can leave it in the garage for a day, to allow any insects to vacate it before you bring it inside your home. You should also shake the tree well before placing it inside and spray it with need oil to destroy any remaining insects.
Note that you should never use insecticides, as they are flammable. Remember, you can always buy a fake tree and avoid these issues altogether. Nevertheless, regardless of the choice, you make when, do not let anything spoil the magic these days, and enjoy the joyful holiday season!