What Does It Mean If Your Earlobes Are Attached, Or Unattached?

If earlobes hang free, they are detached. If they connect directly to the sides of the head, they are attached. Earlobe attachment is a continuous trait: while most earlobes can be neatly categorized as attached or unattached, some are in-between.

Although some sources say that this trait is controlled by a single gene, with unattached earlobes being dominant over attached earlobes, no published studies support this view. Earlobe attachment and shape are inherited, but it is likely that many genes contribute to this trait. As such, its pattern of inheritance is difficult to predict.

It’s no surprise that everyone’s bodies are shaped differently. You know you’re unique based on your fingerprint, but have you ever thought about how different your earlobe is? Turns out, no one has the same exact earlobes as the next person. Kind of shocking, right? However, there are two different types that we can all identify with: attached and unattached earlobes. If you’ve never done it, feel the bottom of your earlobe–is it connected to the side of your head or not?

Now look at the image below to see which earlobe looks most like your own, diagram A or B.

Did you figure out your letter? Good. Here’s what it means if you have unattached earlobes or attached earlobes:

Independent and Generous

If your earlobes are unattached, you are a free spirit—which means you yourself are a bit unattached and don’t pay attention to what society expects of you. Free spirits let life take them wherever they’re destined to be because they know that they’ll be happy wherever they end up. And of course, happiness is key at the end of the day. While you’re independent, you still have close relationships with others and think about how much you care about them.

Those with unattached earlobes are devoted to the people and things that matter most, though, which is so important. You can certainly experience life to the beat of your own drum, but you’re by no means greedy in the way you treat friends and family. You’re always thinking about others, and are extremely giving if you’re someone who has unattached earlobes. You can actually sometimes forget to put yourself first, but when you do, it always turns out for the better.

Secure and Motivated

If your earlobes are attached, you are self-aware. You’re understanding of your actions and how they may affect those around you. At times, you may be a little too self-aware. That’s not a bad thing, though. Being self-aware means that you’re sure of yourself and pay attention to the things that are going on around you—especially in your close circle of family and friends. You’re confident in your decision making and are always looking toward the future.

However, there is a slight red flag if you do have attached earlobes. You may have the tendency to think you’re always right, but either way, you’re able to quickly move past it when you’re in the wrong. Try to listen to the opinions of others more often and think about how their views differ from you own. Although you always have it together, talking to someone who’s a bit more unattached and free-spirited (say, someone with unattached earlobes) could really turn things around for you.