Wait For Someone Who Sees You As The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Them

There will come a day when you help someone believe again. You will allow them to believe in love and their own potential in this world. They will believe in themselves again because of you. You will help them uncover all of their secrets they were afraid to show anyone else.

One day, you will realize you are the person they have been looking for. You are wanted and needed by someone. You will be that perfect person they have waited their whole lives for. You will be everything to them. You will be perfect in their eyes. You will be their whole world and their source of happiness.

One day, you will be the one to help someone heal from all of their past pain. You will help them smile again for real. You will make them feel wanted and loved. You will take away their pain and make them feel whole again. You will teach them how to be loved the way they should be loved.

You will be why someone stays. You will be the reason why they don’t run and they don’t want to run. You will make them realize they can settle down with someone. You will be the person that does what no one could do. You will be the one they had lost their faith in finding. You will be that person that is unlike anyone they had met before.

You will make it easy for them to love you. They won’t be bored or get tired of you. It will be a healthy relationship, not toxic. It will be effortless and exciting, no matter what you spend your time doing. It will feel like the most natural thing in the world. It will be the kind of love you have never had before.

You will be what they have searched for. They will feel blessed to have you in their life every day. They will value you like no one has before. You will make them happier than they have ever been. They will question why they deserved someone like you. They will be so proud just to have you in their life.

There will come a day when you understand all of the pain you went through. You finally understand the bigger picture. You will know why no one else stuck around. They were making room for someone else. This person will bring out your best qualities and you will bring out the best in them.

One day, you will know your search is over and your future is bright.

Have you found this person? Are you still waiting? They are too. Let us know how this made you feel in the comments, and show this to someone who might need to see this right now.