Verbal abuse can come in many different forms such as: bullying, domestic abuse, cyber bullying or offensive dialogue in general. Anxiety and verbal abuse are in a way related to each other as a result of the correlation between the right and the left hemisphere of the human brain. As a result of all the changes that the brain undergoes throughout our lifetime, the more human beings use verbal abuse, no matter in which form, the more physical changes or damage take place in the brain. What is more, sexual or physical abuse is even more damaging for children and youths that it is to adults, the same goes with the verbal abuse – it is far more devastating to young people.
We can easily tell whether a young person from the age 18 to 25 suffers from anxiety or depression only by making brain scans. This depression or anxiety has probably resulted from some type of abuse. Thus, people who suffered from verbal abuse also did so in primary school when a rapid development took place in their brains. In addition, there is no big difference between verbal and emotional abuse, and words are something very powerful that can damage both the self-esteem and the emotions in general. With all this being said, it’s not difficult to see why so many people have a permanent brain damage.
Please read the text below and ask for help before verbal abuse makes serious damage to your or the brain of someone else.
Short-term symptoms
- you constantly think too much
- your self-worth is in an extremely low level
- it’s difficult for you to make decisions or to be decisive in general
- anxiety
- strong headaches or even migraines
- you feel sad or even depressed
- suicidal thoughts
- eating disorders
So, if you think that you, some of your friends, family member or anyone you know may show some of these symptoms, seeking for professional help is the best thing you can do. Watch out for unexpected and dramatic mood or behavior swings, and lend a hand if you are able to do that.
Other indicators of verbal abuse.
- when someone calls you offensive names
- when you feel sad or in pain after staying at home for a long period of time
- when people don’t appreciate you at home and in public
- sudden change of mood after you speak to a certain person from good to bad
- becoming uninterested in something after a particular person criticizes it or forbids it
- lack of self-confidence or self-esteem as a result of constant criticism
- isolation as a result of anxiety
- guilty feeling as a result of blame or unjust criticism