Nowadays, as there are more and more single mothers, people tend to believe that that a woman is capable of raising a child on her own – especially a daughter. However, recent studies have proved quite the contrary – it’s not only beneficial for girls to have their father around, but they also need their father in order to achieve better physical health and emotional development.
A recent study suggests that girls who develop close relationship with their fathers form an early age, become better in handling stressful situations and rarely develop anxiety and depression later in their lives. Also when a girl is comfortable to talk to her father about all sorts of things can enable her to form fulfilling relationship with a partner later on.
Other things that deep relationships with fathers help the daughters are: developing personal value, self-respect, feeling that they have the control over their lives and strong belief that they are able to succeed in everything they’ve put their effort into.
Except having an enormous impact emotionally, dads can also influence the physical health of their daughters. Confident, stable and responsible fathers provide financial stability for their daughters, so they have enough food to eat, they are provided with enough clothing and this contributes to good physical health of their daughters. Furthermore, when they are happy and satisfied their immune system functions more properly too.
Fathers should become involved in their daughters’ lives from the start so that they can develop a strong bond between each other. This is quite new discovery, if we go back 70 years in the past when fathers weren’t even allowed to be in the same room when their daughters were born.
Now, there aren’t any obstacles between father-daughter relationships, so fathers can be involved in the lives of their daughters from the start. They can participate in bathing, changing diapers, feeding, putting the baby to sleep and all the other things that previously were considered to be only the mother’s job.
Although fathers have the opportunity to be with their daughters from the beginning of their life, media can have a lot of negative influence on men when this topic is concerned. Have you noticed that almost every television presents fathers as complete fools who don’t know anything about women and especially babies? Fathers need to become aware of the fact that even though all these stereotypes are shown all over the media, they don’t have to follow them. That’s simply not a real portrayals of how fathers should behave in real life.
In this article we emphasized the father’s role in the life of a girl, but still, we have to mention that the mother has also a very important role here. Moms are the ones who give advices and certain information on what it really means to be a woman and are extremely important in guiding the girls through some extremely important periods of their lives like puberty, menstruation, first heartbreaks etc.
For all the fathers who might be a little concerned about the current relationship with their daughters – mainly because they didn’t spend enough time with them from the early years – you have to remember that there is still hope, because fathers hold a special place in every daughter’s heart, so it’s never too late to develop deep and healthy relationships with their daughters. It may take a little more time, but it’s really worth it, and I am sure that every father would give everything just to see their daughter happy and satisfied with her life!