We have all watched romantic movies in which a woman waits for her man to build his career and she stays faithful until he eventually realizes that he can’t live without her and chooses her over his career (or whatever stays between them) and they live happily ever after.
Women would be so happy if things were the same as in the romantic movies. Unfortunately, we are not living in a romantic movie. Nowadays, when a woman says it’s over, man – it’s really OVER!
Women usually make a mistake when they give too many chances. Most of them strongly believe in the abilities of their men and what they can become, and they always want to be next to them when that happens. That’s the reason why so many women choose to stay in terrible relationships with men that treat them in a way they don’t deserve to be treated.
But, enough is enough, and when a woman says it’s over, it’s really over!
The moment she realizes that she is happier without you, wasting her time and sucking her energy – she is gone forever! There is no way back. Don’t bother transforming your attitude or turning into a better man. Nothing will ever help you to bring her back.
Some men even try to feed their ego and give good reason for their behavior by saying something like: “if she is not able to handle me at my worst, she doesn’t deserve me at my best.”
You are wrong, my friend. Let’s admit that it’s impossible for a sane person to stay and deal with your horrible behavior all the time.
Who deserves to have a stressful life full of drama and pain? I will tell you: NO ONE. And no one has the right to oblige someone else to wait for them until they realize what they really want from their life.
Although this might hurt your feelings, but she has finally decided to be brave enough and take care of herself. But don’t forget that if it wasn’t for your stupid actions, she wouldn’t have made this decision.
You will be disappointed when you lose the woman that loved you in the moments when you didn’t even love yourself. The woman that supported you and believed in you when you had no faith in yourself. The woman that stood by your side even when she knew that you were wrong.
You will be disappointed because any other woman that is not her will instantly turn her back on you as soon as she realizes that you are not perfect.
In these moments you will realize that you’ve lost a woman who loved you and accepted you for who you are and that she did everything for you without even asking her to. A woman that tolerated everything with a hope that one day you will change. A woman who loved you at your worst, but you weren’t even aware of it.