Dying Street Dog Didn’t Have Much Time Left, Then An Angel Saved His Life. The Before And After Photos Are Unbelievable!

The sad reality is that there are millions of dogs abandoned on the streets, and their alarming number is not easy to combat, especially due to their easy reproduction and the irresponsibility of many people.

Dying Street Dog Didn’t Have Much Time Left, Then An Angel Saved His Life. The Before And After Photos Are Unbelievable!

However, adopting a street dog is an incredibly humane deed, as saving the lives of these dogs meaning giving them a second chance to have a home and live a dignified and happy life.

Having a furry best friend at home is a real blessing, and if you have saved a dog from its unpredictable future in the streets and brought it at home, you have definitely earned a friend for life.

Dying Street Dog Didn’t Have Much Time Left, Then An Angel Saved His Life. The Before And After Photos Are Unbelievable!

Pia, a real human angel, found a sick and dying stray dog in the neighborhood, and as soon as she saw it, she started crying, wondering if it was possible that no one felt the urge to save it.

Dying Street Dog Didn’t Have Much Time Left, Then An Angel Saved His Life. The Before And After Photos Are Unbelievable!

The poor dog was skinny and frail, with extremely sad eyes. She immediately took the dog to the vet, who told her that if it made it through the weekend, maybe he stood a chance.

Dying Street Dog Didn’t Have Much Time Left, Then An Angel Saved His Life. The Before And After Photos Are Unbelievable!

At that time, this was good news.  She took the dog home, gave him water every three hours and tried to get him to eat.

The dog was too weak and additionally lost 2 pounds within the next few days. Yet, since it survived, there was still hope. Due to its determination not to give up, she decided to name it Hercules.

Dying Street Dog Didn’t Have Much Time Left, Then An Angel Saved His Life. The Before And After Photos Are Unbelievable!

She nearly lost him on two occasions, but Hercules continued to fight. He was too frail to stand up, but when he finally managed to take the first steps again, Pia cried like a baby.

Dying Street Dog Didn’t Have Much Time Left, Then An Angel Saved His Life. The Before And After Photos Are Unbelievable!

Over time, Hercules managed to stand and walk, and soon afterward, he was running all over the place, full of joy and life.  Pia officially adopted it and now, they are extremely happy together.

Dying Street Dog Didn’t Have Much Time Left, Then An Angel Saved His Life. The Before And After Photos Are Unbelievable!

His recovery was a real miracle:

Dying Street Dog Didn’t Have Much Time Left, Then An Angel Saved His Life. The Before And After Photos Are Unbelievable!