Every parent’s nightmare is to have bad-behaved children. Despite the continual whining, disobedience and temper-tantrums, children can even become self-willed and start to take control of their parents.
These problems need to be solved as quickly as possible because parents are those who need to control their children.
The specialist on behaviors and host on “Take Home Nanny” – Mrs. Emma Jenner, also confirms this. According to her, parents make 5 crucial mistakes which lead to huge problems if they are not fixed as soon as possible.
Read the top five mistakes all the parents make in raising their children:
Being afraid of your children
Scenario: A child suddenly decides that it does not want to drink the milk from the cup in which it is served and forces their parents to pour it in a brand new cup. The parents do what the child says because they are afraid that the child might stop drinking and eating altogether.
As reported by Emma, this is an enormous NO! Children are not allowed to command and give orders. In this situation it is advised to let the child leave the room and cry the situation out. What you mustn’t do is always satisfy your child’s needs. Because if now it is the problem with the cup, imagine the issue 15 years ahead?
Defend Them (It’s just a child)
This is considered to be one of the most dangerous mistake. In this way you approve agitation and irresponsibility and also encourage your child to behave in a way that it wants to.
There is much more in children than many of us expect, so by teaching them well, they’ll achieve much better results that if they are left on their own wills.
As Emma reported, if you want your children to be set onto the right path, then you need set some goals for your them.
Don’t let others control your child’s behavior
In the past, teachers and similar professionals used to discipline the children just as parents would do.
However, today the laws have changed and teachers are not allowed to discipline the students, now this job is delivered to parents. As a result of the strict laws the schools have, teachers and other professionals in the school have become more limited in that area.
Consequently, we’ve become restricted with the influence of the behavior of our children when they are outside of home, and as Emma claims, that needs to change right now!
Children are put first
This is an enormous mistake every parent makes. Sometimes parents tend to protect their children more than needed. However, that’s not how the things should work, and if parents continue with that, the child will start becoming needier, more depended and spoiled too.
To prevent that from happening, you should be the “baby mama” only a certain period of time. Choosing their daily clothes, cooking meals and don’t let your children do anything at all is absolutely wrong. Stop doing all those things if they are grown enough to do them on their own.
Through their lives this can bring them more harm than good, given the fact that they are not used to look after themselves. Learn to say “no” in certain situations.
Don’t take the easy way out
The easiest way to calm down you children is to give it some technology device like mobile phones, tablets, laptops and other similar gadgets. If your children use these devices to study on them, then it’s perfectly fine to own them, but that’s almost never the case.
Once they become bored, and it happens frequently, they start misbehaving and the parents quickly replace the previous with a new distraction. This has to change right now. Try to take the time and actively listen to them when they talk or engage them into fun activities outside or in the comfort of your home.
Independent, strong and polite children are not just a fantasy, but in order to achieve this you need to be patient and invest considerable time.