55 Facts About the World That Will Surprise the Most Intelligent People

We cannot deny the fact that we are still living in a mystery, even though the technology advancements have enabled us to have the world at our fingertips.

Today, we compiled a list of 55 facts that will surprise even the most intelligent and knowledgeable among us!

  1. You should click the mouse button 10 million times to burn 1 calorie
  2. If you make ice cubes with boiled water, they are transparent, and if you use tap water, they are white
  3. The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland.
  4. Nobel Prize winner Niels Bohr was given a perpetual supply of beer piped into his house.
  5. The inventor of the cotton candy machine was a dentist.
  6. Starfish are not fish but sea urchins and killer whales are dolphins, not whales
  7. Every day, a piece of space junk returns to earth
  8. 99% of the gold of the Earth is in its core
  9. A banana is a berry while a strawberry is not
  10. There are 8 insect pieces in an average chocolate bar
  11. Dolphins can actually call each other by name
  12. The yearly cost of electricity to charge your phone is less than $1
  13. Animals avoid power lines since they are scared of ultraviolet flashes invisible to the human eye
  14. We are twice as likely to get killed by a vending machine than a shark
  15. There are 1.6 million ants for every human on Earth
  16. Until 1977, France was still executing people by guillotine
  17. Getting struck by lightning heats the skin up to 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit
  18. Honey is the only food that does not spoil
  19. The 3 most sold products in human history are the Rubik’s Cube, iPhone, and Harry Potter books
  20. The most shoplifted food item in the U.S. is candy, cheese in Europe, and meat in Latin America.
  21. Nutella was invented during WWII when an Italian pastry maker mixed hazelnuts into chocolate as a way to extend the chocolate ration.
  22. New York Times illustrator Christoph Niemann managed to doodle 46 sketches, in color, while he was running the New York City Marathon.
  23. A cockroach can live a few weeks without its head, and in the end, die of hunger
  24. In 1998, a student from Georgia was suspended for wearing a Pepsi shirt to “Coke in Education Day.”
  25. Zebras’ coats are just black.
  26. If you open your eyes in a pitch-black room, the color you will see is known as eigengrau.
  27. The lighter was invented ten years earlier than the match
  28. The Hawaiian alphabet has twelve letters only, (A, E, I, O, U, H, K, L, M, N, P, and W)
  29. We also have proprioception, besides the other 5 senses, which is the awareness of the position of the body parts
  30. There are more stars in the sky than grains of sand in the whole world
  31. We completely replace the outer layer of the skin every month
  32. More people have been killed by mosquitoes than in all wars in history
  33. In the English language, the word ‘set’ has the most number of definitions (464)
  34. In an average lifetime, every person walks the equivalent of 5 times around the Equator
  35. The most commonly used joint in our body is the jaw
  36. Fat cells do not disappear after weight loss, they just change in size
  37. 99% of the microbes that live inside us are unknown to science
  38. Paper cuts are more painful than regular cuts as the wounds do not bleed, but the nerve endings remain open to the air which irritates them
  39. Whips make a cracking sound since the tip actually moves faster than the speed of sound, leading to a small sonic boom
  40. Charles Darwin was the first person to think of attaching wheels to his office chair to move around more quickly
  41. Breathe on a diamond to tell if it is real,  fake ones will fog up while real ones remain clear
  42. The Spanish word ‘esposas’ has two meanings, ‘handcuffs’ and ‘wives’
  43. As a result of gravity, the theoretical maximum height of a tree is 130 meters
  44. The tongue is the strongest muscle in our body, proportional to its size
  45. The mouth of a blue whale is able to hold its own bodyweight in water
  46. The naked mole rat can survive with almost no oxygen, and it is immune to cancer
  47. An average adult contains 7 quintillion joules of potential energy, which is equal to 30 hydrogen bombs
  48. The technology in one Gameboy surpasses all the computing power used to put man on the moon
  49. Thirty-five percent of people are born without wisdom teeth.
  50. Catnip affects lions and tigers as well.
  51. German chocolate cake isn’t German, but it was named after Sam German, an American baker.
  52. Twelve percent of sleepers dream in black and white.
  53. Male caimans dance as a way to impress potential mates.
  54. The female G-spot was initially supposed to be named the Whipple Tickle, after professor Beverly Whipple.
  55. In the original stage version of The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy’s companion was a cow called Imogene, instead of Toto.