5 Signs Your Partner Takes You For Granted

If we lived in an ideal world, all our relationships would be successful and meaningful. Unfortunately, life often brings some troubles, even when we have only the best intentions. We give our best to form successful relationships and we give everything that we have to someone else. And very often that someone betrays us and takes advantage of all our good intentions.

Relationship experts always emphasize the importance of communication, regardless the type of the relationship – marriage, dating or friendship. The relationships often fail just because there is a lack of communication between the two people. We mentioned this because all the below-mentioned “indicators” have in common only one thing: some kind of a communication breakdown.

The Following Signs Indicate That Your Partner Is Taking You For Granted:


At the beginning of each relationships, it is normal for the partners to feel extremely attached and even dependant of each other. It is usually a phase that last for few years. As the relationship develops, the partners need to be more independent and alone-time. In fact, we spend time together for quite a long time, and this feeling is normal…of course, to some extent.

Many relationships have failed because one person is avoided by the other. Sometimes the relationship is even more complicated – if kids or finances are involved than the partners can’t separate forever. If this is the case, one of the partners will just search for excuses not to be near as long as possible.


A severe, unnecessary lack of trust can be offensive for both partners. Trust is a base of a successful relationship, and they take this for granted. If one of the partner does not believe in what the other partner is saying, than they are deliberately destroying the relationship.

They had enough trust to enter into a relationship in the first place, but for some unknown reason they now doubt all the intentions of the other person. Actually, this is a problem that can be easily solved if the partners engage in a healthy conversation. However, the problem appears because none of the partners are willing to talk. The truth is, many partners who face with trust issues have them because of their ego or self-image.


One of the best ways to show respect is by listening. Lack of attentive listening is one of the most common problems that partners face with. This problem can be manifested in two different ways: either they are the ones who talk all the time or you are. In each way, the conversation is one-sided.

Every time we don’t try to listen to our partner attentively, we show enormous disrespect towards them. The same goes with not engaging in any meaningful dialogue with our partner. The conclusion is, if you want to enjoy in a healthy relationship with your partner, both of you should engage in a healthy two-sided conversation.


You probably remember the beginning of the relationship, when both partners kept their commitments and valued each other’s time. This was probably until the end of the “honeymoon phase”, until we got comfortable. Now we take our partner’s time for granted. We break our promises. We let everything slide, more and more… until we realize that there is really something wrong.

If all this happens continuously, it signifies that there is a disconnection between both partners.


This is probably the most hurtful problem out of all the above-mentioned. In a relationship, empathy is the most important thing – the base of true love. When we are not connected to the other person’s feelings, we are not able to release the emotional feedback that they need. This often happens to us when we lose interest of the person that we are with, or probably, we didn’t have it in the first place.

When we love someone, it’s normal to be interested in their feelings and thoughts. When love is gone, things drastically change and one of the partners is always taken for granted in the worst way they could imagine. Nobody deserves to experience that, regardless of the type of relationship they are in.