10 Things That Happen When Your Body Is Lacking Water

Chronic dehydration is, unfortunately, more common than you think, in both, children and adults.

While children believe they compensate by drinking fruit juices and sugary beverages, which is untrue, over half of the American adults do not drink the recommended amount of water daily.

Yet, a lack of water in the body is a serious health issue which can contribute to the development of various conditions and diseases, like digestive issues, urinary tract infections, fatigue, anxiety, and brain fog.

Therefore, in order to address this issue, you need to know the following signs that your body lacks water:

  • The skin in a dehydrated body is prone to clogged pores, and acne, and it becomes dry and cracked
  • If the urine is dark or brown, or you rarely urinate during the day, your body needs more water. Water is needed for the removal of toxins, and as soon as they start accumulating, one experiences brain fog, exhausting, and other issues
  • Pain in the joints and back, since the body’s cartilage contains nearly 80% water, fluids are important for the proper lubrication of bones and joints, and water lowers the risk of injuries during strenuous activities or unexpected events
  • When the body lacks water, it turns to the blood to obtain oxygen, leading to fatigue and tiredness, as well as confusion and anxiety
  • Very often, we confuse the feeling of thirst with hunger. Sometimes, the increased appetite is just a result of the need for water
  • The blood becomes thicker in a dehydrated body, leading to slower blood flow, and accumulation of sodium, that can lead to high blood pressure
  • Water retention is another sign of a lack of water in the body since the system starts to hold on fluids in order to be able to continue functioning properly. In this case, one also becomes prone to high cholesterol
  • The lack of water in the body can lead to digestive problems, as toxins move slowly in the body, leading to constipation, stomach pain, and fatigue
  • Without enough water in the body, the skin looks dry, cracked, and red, and one can develop conditions like eczema, acne, and psoriasis
  • In a dehydrated body, the brain tissue loses water, which makes the brain pull away from the skull, and this sends a signal to the pain receptors surrounding the brain, leading to headache,

It is of vital importance to understand the importance of water for our health and drink at least 8 hours of water daily. Moreover, make sure you also teach your children to drink water only, and maybe an occasional cup of tea, and avoid any other unhealthy, sugar-rich drinks.

If you need to increase your water intake, the following tips will be of great help:

  • Add flavor to your water, by seeping fruits, herbs, or veggie slices
  • Drink a glass of water every time you go for a bathroom break
  • Replace soda with sparkling or mineral water
  • Eat plenty of vegetables, as they are rich in water
  • Drink a glass of water while brewing your coffee
  • Drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up
  • Sip while you cook your meals
  • When drinking alcohol, for every cocktail you have, drink a glass of water
  • Drink herbal teas
  • Have a water bottle always with you, in all your bags
  • Have a glass of water before each meal
  • If you are drinking some sugary drink like lemonade, iced tea or juice, dilute a cup with some water, or add ice
  • Keep a gallon jug near you throughout the day
  • You can download a free application that will help you keep up with the number of glasses you have drank
  • Invest in a water filter and drink tasty, purified water